How To Get Your Ideal Client's Attention

Struggling to get the right clients? This can help.

My free Clients From Content: 1-Page Masterclass -->

8 things you'll learn in this episode:

00:00: Introduction
02:00: Why you need to be careful what you optimize for
05:00: 6 things to do if your audience isn't growing
09:00: 6 simple ways to borrow other people's audiences
20:00: Everyone falls into one of two categories when it comes to audience growth
24:00: The biggest reason an audience doesn't buy
35:00: 3 ways to convert more leads into sales
40:00: 3 counterintuitive ways to make your product more valuable
55:00: 5 ways to boost the perceived value of a course you sell

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To connect with Josh Spector:
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Intro Music Provided By Uppbeat

How To Get Your Ideal Client's Attention
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